Careers and stakeholders
The Master degree in Environmental and Food Economics is organized in two curricula: i. Environmental and Energy Economics; ii. Economics and Management of the Agri-Food System. The professional profiles that characterize the two curricula can be summarized as follows.
The professional profile of the Environmental and Energy Economics curriculum is more oriented to the world of institutions, both public and private, with job opportunities in national, EU, and international institutions, public administration, Energy Authorities, FAO, OECD, European Commission, public and private research organizations, and research departments of large national and multinational companies, as well as the green economy.
The professional profile of the Economics and Management of the Agri-Food System curriculum is more oriented to the world of private business with job opportunities in agri-food companies (small and medium enterprises, multinationals, GDO), as well as in producer organizations and national, EU, and international institutions that carry out research and studies in the fields of agricultural and food policies, food security, and rural development (FAO, World Bank, OECD, and the European Commission).
Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
The professional profile of the Environmental and Energy Economics curriculum is more oriented to the world of institutions, both public and private, with job opportunities in national, EU, and international institutions, public administration, Energy Authorities, FAO, OECD, European Commission, public and private research organizations, and research departments of large national and multinational companies, as well as the green economy.
The professional profile of the Economics and Management of the Agri-Food System curriculum is more oriented to the world of private business with job opportunities in agri-food companies (small and medium enterprises, multinationals, GDO), as well as in producer organizations and national, EU, and international institutions that carry out research and studies in the fields of agricultural and food policies, food security, and rural development (FAO, World Bank, OECD, and the European Commission).
Employment statistics (Almalaurea)

The programme interacts with local, national and international stakeholders, such as professional organizations, manufacturing companies and service providers.